Monday, December 31, 2007

A Number of Thoughts

It has been too long, and now I have quite a list of ideas in my head to post on my blog. I figure I can give shortened versions of them all right here, right now, in order to catch you up on the latest.
I had a blogger friend come and visit me the week before last. We met back in college and have been dear friends since. We did what we do best while she was here including but not limited to having coffee, window shopping downtown, drinks, and most importantly, conversation about life's biggest questions. She stayed over that Thursday night and then left after an early breakfast the next day. I, of course, miss her now that she has gone and am looking forward to the next time our paths can cross again. Here we are enjoying cocktails with two of my local friends:

BTK and I spent a week in Ohio to spend Christmas with his family this year. Our favorite part of the trip was seeing our one and only nephew, Owen. He is such a beautiful, happy little boy and we love seeing him. He opened two gifts from us for Christmas and I'm sure they were his favorite gifts of all! Here is his reaction upon opening and experiencing them both:

A Radio Flyer wagon and a Ball. I can't think of better gifts for a little boy named Owen. And as you can see, he was thrilled!

While we were in Ohio, we checked Indy into the vet for a second TPLO surgery on his other knee. Poor little guy has gone through so much this last year, but this will hopefully be the last major surgery he has to experience and will put him on a path to being able to run again this summer...
They stuck a morphine patch on his side for pain that he managed to chew/eat off today while I was gone. I kind of freaked out when I came home and found it gone, not to mention he was visibly shaking and threw up shortly after, so I took him into the vet and everything is fine now. I had Doc check the fluid that has accumulated around his ankle as well as the random scabby spots/bites around his ear and neck and shaved back. I was assured those issues are all completely normal. What's funny is that I had to call around to find a vet that was open, and this one I found had technically just closed, but she said the doctor would wait if I could get there soon. I said I'd leave right away and she told me the only catch is that I would get charged an emergency fee. I said, "okay, how much is the emergency fee?" and she replied with, "between $35 and $65". And I'm thinking, okay, I'm sure there is a rationale as to the range in cost, so I asked, "what determines how much I get charged?" and she replied with, "Um... I really don't know." Well, I was taking him in no matter what, and at least I knew it wouldn't be more than $65. And they were doing me a favor anyway, so off we went for our emergency visit. And in the end, they only charged me $28 for the emergency part of it, which confuses me more since it doesn't fall between the $35 and $65 they originally told me it would be. It all came to $100.07 for the peace of mind I left there with. Now I'll be able to enjoy my night with my husband without the constant worry if Indy is going to make to tomorrow.
Today is the eve of another year. How do I feel about it? Well, I'd love to embrace 2008 with open arms, but I'm sad to let 2007 go. As the years pass, I want each one to be better than the last. And as I get older, I want more and more to have perfection in my life. Am I setting myself up for disappointment? Probably. I guess it all depends on what "perfect" means to me. I feel like I'm running out of time to make my life what I want it to be. I feel like I didn't get a fair chance at making something of 2007. I was preoccupied with school and work and didn't allow myself to enjoy my "free time". It's a crying shame, it is. BUT, with the coming of 2008, i'm determined to enjoy it and make something of it... whatever that means. What do I want to make of it?? Well, I want to watch more sunsets at Lake Michigan. Watching the sun set is on my list of favorites, and I hardly make time to do it. My dear sweet groom and I just recently bought a scooter and that should give him incentive to come with to watch the sun go down. I'd also like to put more time into our woofies (dogs). They have such potential to be extrordinary creatures, but they need us to guide them. I want to give them that gift of greater guidance in 2008. I'd also love to give our home some order on the inside. BTK and I like to consider ourselves minimalists, meaning we don't like to accumulate "stuff". And although we don't have a lot of "stuff", the stuff we do have could be more organized. Everything should have a place, you know? Together, we can give everything a place in 2008. BTK doesn't know this yet, but we are going to pledge (with our secret handshake) to do those things that we always say we'll do and don't.... such as: going camping, going hiking with the woofies, going to local festivals, etc. And last but first on my list for improvements in 2008 is spending more time interacting with my dear sweet groom. I've cut back my work hours in order to make this happen. Though we'll miss the $$, we've decided our marriage is much more important and we miss each other dearly. It's not that we can't handle opposite schedules, it's that we don't want to do it anymore. I'm looking forward to making dinner for us and cleaning up together. As my parents have said, "some of our best conversations took place while cleaning up".
I could go on and on about what I want my 2008 to be. I'll save it for another post, because at this point it is all a mess of thoughts.
Tonight, BTK and I are staying in. We will order pizza and wings from a local joint and another couple may join us later in the night to ring in the new year. But if we find ourselves alone, with each other, that will suit us just fine, for that is what the next year is all about... us.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holland Happenings

My mom and sisters are coming today for a visit!! Mom and Megs are coming from across the state, Amy is coming from the GR area, and my baby sister Cols is coming from Chicago, via train... and I get to stay put, right where I am, and wait.

I'm less waiting and more cleaning. Scrubbed the bathroom, kitchen floor, and entry way tiles. Listening to some really great music including, but not limited to, new Rob Thomas, Regina Spektor, Madonna, Green Day, Ice Cube, and Alicia Keys. Wiping dog-nose prints from glass, wherever found... like everywhere! I may even run a dustcloth over some tabletops and wine bottles in the livingroom :)

My very favorite thing about cleaning is the polished chrome, streak free windows and mirrors, and floors without dog hair (lasts only seconds!). Nothing quite like a shiny kitchen sink. I like knowing that if all else fails, and all my dishes break, and I really needed to, I could eat off the bathtub surface. I enjoy cleaning. I find it very rewarding and a nice, slow release of energy.

Once momma hen arrives with the chicks, we'll all head downtown for the day, grab a bite and shop. I look so forward to their visits! We all get along so well, and we laugh! I love to laugh and my mom and sisters will probably have me in tears by the end of the day :)

Best get back to the cleaning!

Oh, this is us at Christmas time... don't we look like fun??!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Story of Christmas Giving

BTK and I have been very lazy in the past years and have never put the effort into getting a Christmas tree. So sad, so lazy, I know. We've leaned on such excuses in the past as, "we will be out of town for the week of..." and, "we don't have any kids..." and, "it costs a lot of money" and, "the dog will pee on it". Actually, I made up that last one about the dog. We never used that excuse.
This year we had every intention of getting a tree. I had scoped out a place to go and cut one down, and we were both looking forward to cutting down a real live Christmas tree and both looking forward to having a beautiful Christmas tree in our living room.
And then BTK fell ill.
And he has been house-bound since ('cept for work this week).
And though it was never actually spoken aloud, we both knew that we wouldn't be able to get out to get that tree.
It disappointed me cause this was the year we were gonna DO IT... and now we couldn't!
Last Saturday Erin called me and said, "Are you at home?"
Me: "Yeah"
Erin: "Where are your cars?"
Me: "One is in the garage and one is still at BTK's work from when he went into the ER."
Erin: "Well, come get the door cause we are in your driveway!"
Me: "What?" (confused)
Erin: "We are in your driveway... come get the door!"
So I did. And there they stood at the back of their SUV unloading a real live Christmas tree!!!! And she had a tree stand and a tree skirt and lights and everything!!!
Now, this was an occasion to open BOTH front doors cause the tree is THAT big! M hauled the thing in with Erin in tow carrying all the goodies for this special tree that is to be up in our livingroom.
In the meantime... I quietly went down to where BTK lay in front of the 42" flat screen panel and calmly told him what shenanigans the "Smiths" pulled this time... and so he came up to watch the charade of trying to get the tree up and on the stand. There was snow and ice jammed up in the hole, so it took some extra love to get it standing upright.
And we hugged and I said "thank you" and didn't know what else to say...
Then they were gone.
It is a beautiful tree with very soft, short needles that seem to be staying put right where they belong, and not on the floor. It is lovely, really.
But what I'd like to say here is that our friends spilled thier kindness and generosity right into our livingroom in the form of Christmas blessings. I can't say that BTK and I have ever pooled our hearts and physical energy together like that for anyone. We hardly do it for ourselves. I still don't know how to thank Erin and M for what they did for us. They created an opportunity for BTK and I to pull out all the ornaments we've been getting as gifts every year since we've been married, to put on Christmas music, and enjoy decorating our very first Christmas tree.
Erin and M... thank you for that. Love you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SANTA??? Can you hear me.... ?????

Do you make these in your little workshop???

It's the Professional "S" series... by J.A. Henckels....

I've been good ALL YEAR!!!!

And, I didn't mean to imply that your workshop is "little"... I mean, I'm sure it is HUGE...

I'm sure.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fire In The Disco!!

I was tagged by my 'bama bff, Jamie, with a "why I'm weird" meme.

And since it is 3pm on Monday, and I just arrived home from taking my MNT final exam, and my sweet husband is at work, I think I'll sit in front of the computer with a cocktail within reach and type my "why i'm weird" meme.

Just as Jamie did, I looked to my husband for reasons... for he is continuously saying, "you're weird" whenever I do anything even the slightest bit out of the ordinary. And just like Jamie's husband, mine couldn't think of any reasons off the top of his head.

BUT, low and behold, a few days passed and he was able to recognize those reasons as I did them in our day to day "business".

I like to eat Pringles with a little dijon mustard on them.
I like to talk in accents and funny voices whenever I get the chance (hardly ever out in public... mostly only for my sweet husband to hear).
I don't like eating foods that don't require chewing.
When I eat foods that do require chewing, I chew maybe three times and then swallow the foodstuffs almost whole.
I know that "foodstuffs" is actually a word.
I don't like getting my hands wet.
I wear latex gloves when preparing food, any food... and also when cleaning, always.
I don't think that skunk spray smells bad.
I don't like yogurt, oatmeal, or apples but I eat them almost everyday (for the health of it!).
On average, I eat 1.5 tomatoes everyday... cause I love them that much.
It is likely that I will break out in dance at any given moment when music is playing.
I do a mean cheerleader impression... that I learned from my brother (wait... that makes him weird).

And last, but obviously not least, I am a little bit on the weird side cause I love this video... it makes me laugh out loud everytime! I must give credit to momma feral for this one.
disclaimer: video is a little inappropriate and will probably make you dumber

Now, I must say that I don't necessarily think that I am weird because of those things... but some of them (the skunk thing) make me a little different than other people. We all have things that make us unique, special, different and we should embrace those aspects of each other... love each other more for them. So the next time you look at someone and say, "you are sooo weird", remember that they made you smile and shake your head, and just love them more for it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A bit of music in my head

I woke up with a thought in my head today... it was as if my eyes opened because my brain wanted to tell me something... and it went exactly like this: "I want to learn to play the piano".

I was surprised at this thought, but also a bit pleased with myself for making such an important decision so quickly that day.

I've always envied those (BTK) who can so gracefully approach an instrument and transform it into beautiful music.

Music has infinitely been a staple in my life. It wraps itself around me and makes me feel warm, makes my thoughts sink deeper into my mind, and makes my heart dance.

True story:
When I was a teenager, I had a portable cd player velcroed next to the drivers seat in my Escort in order to play any one of my 300 cd's that I carried with me in my big black cd book at all times. I brought those cd's with me everwhere I went cause I couldn't part with any of them and really truly believed that I needed that variety, just in case. Well, I was heading out of the house one day with lots of sh*t in my arms and threw the big black cd book on top of the Escort in order to unlock it and throw all the rest of my sh*t into my car.

And there it stayed... on top of my Escort... as I drove away...

And I realized it when I reached my destination and wanted to change the cd.

And I started swearing a lot and crying even more...

I cried for a few days and moped about and was moody towards my parents until my father had had enough of the pouting. He suggested that I do something about it, such as "call around" to see if anyone had found it or place an ad in the paper describing what I lost. I remember telling him what a fool he was, in not so many words, cause "who is going to turn in 300 cd's that they found on the street?" DUH!!!! No one! They'll keep 'em or sell 'em cause obviously they are worth so much!

I remember thinking how much $$ I'd spent on them and how some of them were such cherished possessions. I was pretty sure my life was over.

After my dad walked away, I decided to take his advice and I called the local police station to ask about a "lost and found". It went something like this:

Me: "I'm wondering if anyone has turned in a book of cd's?"

Police person: "Well, what does it look like?"

Me: "It's black and zips shut and holds 300 cd's and it's full"

Police person: "We might have something like that here. Can you tell me about the cd's in it?"

(at this point in the brief conversation, i remember thinking, "don't f*ck with me either have it or you don't"... i was an emotional teenager, remember?)

Me: "The cd's are in alphabetical order with the initials R.S. on each one and on the last page is my newest purchase, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, double disc".

Police person: "Yes, we have your cd's. You can come and pick them up here at the station".

I couldn't even believe it! Who would turn in 300 cd's???? And maybe my dad wasn't a fool after all!!!

I'll never forget that incident.

And now I want to learn to play the piano... at the tender age of 28.

**perhaps I should put that (learn to play the piano) on my Mondo Beyondo list**

Am I too old to learn to play an instrument?? Can I want something like that at this age?? (on a sidenote: Why does everything have to be about age??)

I'll just keep it as a thought and after a while I'll come back to it and give it a hug and see if it still hugs me back.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I will write this post without concern with where it starts or how it will end.

I've been having a difficult time forming thoughts complete enough to post on this blog. This could be due to a number of factors, including it being the end of the semester with only one week left before finals, BTK hasn't been feeling well and I'm trying to take care of him without knowing what I'm up against, and winter has just laid itself upon this town and it always takes a little effort for me to adjust mentally into a new season. :)

With all of this going on, I'm a bit of a mental case and who knows what that would look like in words on a computer screen... So I've kinda kept myself away from blogging.

I posted a week ago about going to my H.S. reunion... and I went. I did have a great time:) I worked the door for about an hour and a half with Lindsay and Nancy as I dumped gin and tonic into my head.

By the time I actually went into the reception area, I was warm and fuzzy with alcohol and had already said hello to everyone cause I checked them in at the door. I continued to drink (too quickly) and mingled with all kinds of people, including the guy who I called by the wrong name (first and last!) when I checked him in. Unfortunately, I spent more time talking with the people that I haven't seen since H.S. than the friends I still stay in touch with... but maybe that is the point of the reunion. I had all that anxiety about seeing people after ten years, and for nothing, for everything went swimmingly once a little alcohol settled into my blood. I enjoyed catching up with all the friendly faces and am very happy that I went.

And apparently they were too :)