Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holland Happenings

My mom and sisters are coming today for a visit!! Mom and Megs are coming from across the state, Amy is coming from the GR area, and my baby sister Cols is coming from Chicago, via train... and I get to stay put, right where I am, and wait.

I'm less waiting and more cleaning. Scrubbed the bathroom, kitchen floor, and entry way tiles. Listening to some really great music including, but not limited to, new Rob Thomas, Regina Spektor, Madonna, Green Day, Ice Cube, and Alicia Keys. Wiping dog-nose prints from glass, wherever found... like everywhere! I may even run a dustcloth over some tabletops and wine bottles in the livingroom :)

My very favorite thing about cleaning is the polished chrome, streak free windows and mirrors, and floors without dog hair (lasts only seconds!). Nothing quite like a shiny kitchen sink. I like knowing that if all else fails, and all my dishes break, and I really needed to, I could eat off the bathtub surface. I enjoy cleaning. I find it very rewarding and a nice, slow release of energy.

Once momma hen arrives with the chicks, we'll all head downtown for the day, grab a bite and shop. I look so forward to their visits! We all get along so well, and we laugh! I love to laugh and my mom and sisters will probably have me in tears by the end of the day :)

Best get back to the cleaning!

Oh, this is us at Christmas time... don't we look like fun??!!


Anonymous said...

Those girls look like Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. : ) Sorry I missed you!

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

We call those wet nose prints nooble marks around here for some reason, and I rarely bother cleaning them, because they return within a couple of hours.

Have a great time with your family!!

Jocelyn said...

Oh, I LOVE your holiday.

And I want to eat off your whole home.

Anonymous said...

Yes yall look like you are having so much fun! Hope your Holiday was great!!!