Monday, December 3, 2007

A bit of music in my head

I woke up with a thought in my head today... it was as if my eyes opened because my brain wanted to tell me something... and it went exactly like this: "I want to learn to play the piano".

I was surprised at this thought, but also a bit pleased with myself for making such an important decision so quickly that day.

I've always envied those (BTK) who can so gracefully approach an instrument and transform it into beautiful music.

Music has infinitely been a staple in my life. It wraps itself around me and makes me feel warm, makes my thoughts sink deeper into my mind, and makes my heart dance.

True story:
When I was a teenager, I had a portable cd player velcroed next to the drivers seat in my Escort in order to play any one of my 300 cd's that I carried with me in my big black cd book at all times. I brought those cd's with me everwhere I went cause I couldn't part with any of them and really truly believed that I needed that variety, just in case. Well, I was heading out of the house one day with lots of sh*t in my arms and threw the big black cd book on top of the Escort in order to unlock it and throw all the rest of my sh*t into my car.

And there it stayed... on top of my Escort... as I drove away...

And I realized it when I reached my destination and wanted to change the cd.

And I started swearing a lot and crying even more...

I cried for a few days and moped about and was moody towards my parents until my father had had enough of the pouting. He suggested that I do something about it, such as "call around" to see if anyone had found it or place an ad in the paper describing what I lost. I remember telling him what a fool he was, in not so many words, cause "who is going to turn in 300 cd's that they found on the street?" DUH!!!! No one! They'll keep 'em or sell 'em cause obviously they are worth so much!

I remember thinking how much $$ I'd spent on them and how some of them were such cherished possessions. I was pretty sure my life was over.

After my dad walked away, I decided to take his advice and I called the local police station to ask about a "lost and found". It went something like this:

Me: "I'm wondering if anyone has turned in a book of cd's?"

Police person: "Well, what does it look like?"

Me: "It's black and zips shut and holds 300 cd's and it's full"

Police person: "We might have something like that here. Can you tell me about the cd's in it?"

(at this point in the brief conversation, i remember thinking, "don't f*ck with me either have it or you don't"... i was an emotional teenager, remember?)

Me: "The cd's are in alphabetical order with the initials R.S. on each one and on the last page is my newest purchase, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, double disc".

Police person: "Yes, we have your cd's. You can come and pick them up here at the station".

I couldn't even believe it! Who would turn in 300 cd's???? And maybe my dad wasn't a fool after all!!!

I'll never forget that incident.

And now I want to learn to play the piano... at the tender age of 28.

**perhaps I should put that (learn to play the piano) on my Mondo Beyondo list**

Am I too old to learn to play an instrument?? Can I want something like that at this age?? (on a sidenote: Why does everything have to be about age??)

I'll just keep it as a thought and after a while I'll come back to it and give it a hug and see if it still hugs me back.


Jamie said...

I remember the great CD caper. Where are they now that you have an IPod?

And no, you are never too old. If you are too old, than I am. I have longed to take violin lessons (since J got my childhood violin refurbed) and piano lessons again. Why don't we? You go first...

Libby said...

Stories like the one about your cds make my heart happy. By the by, I'm pretty sure I had that same Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds one, they're an awesome show, just the two of them.

Anyway, I'm with Jamie. You're never too old to learn something new. I know my piano teacher had adult students so you're not the first grownup with the hankering to learn. Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

That is a funny story. I never lost my CD book but I have a huge one like yours as well as a couple of smaller ones. I also liked to change my music frequently. I like many different types and my mood changes with my I do think the variety is necessary.

About the instrument, of course you can learn it if you want. I find that when I get bright ideas for myself they only last a short time. If I let myself sit, I will talk myself out of it. I wouldn't mind learning an instrument but I don't have the time or patience for it. I played a couple of things on the drums once, but I can't handle that loud crap anymore..haha.

Jocelyn said...

You are not too old one whit. I studied piano from ages 7-16, and while I became somewhat accomplished and had some pride in that, the truth is that I never really fulfilled any potential. I just wanted to hang out with friends. The opportunity was a bit wasted on me.

Now, however, I watch my 7-year-old taking lessons and practicing, and I'm remembering all the things about playing that I've forgotten. And I'm realizing how much I would like to re-learn the piano and do it right this time.

Do it, girl!

Debbie said...

I took ballet lessons when I was 24 (which seems to me like I was a mere toddler, now, 'cause I'm old like that), and thought I was awfully old for such a thing. the other girl in my class was 14. *ahem*

and I loved it.


it was the thing I'd always longed to do, as a kid, and it was every bit as satisfying as I'd hoped. maybe more.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

You are not too old. I have a friend who suddenly woke up at 33 wanting to play the piano so bought one, hired a teacher and learned. She loves it.

That's so cool that you got your CD's back.

Anonymous said...

Just don't drive away someday with your new piano on top of the car. Next time, somebody might not be so honest (after all, a free piano is a free piano).