Monday, December 10, 2007

Fire In The Disco!!

I was tagged by my 'bama bff, Jamie, with a "why I'm weird" meme.

And since it is 3pm on Monday, and I just arrived home from taking my MNT final exam, and my sweet husband is at work, I think I'll sit in front of the computer with a cocktail within reach and type my "why i'm weird" meme.

Just as Jamie did, I looked to my husband for reasons... for he is continuously saying, "you're weird" whenever I do anything even the slightest bit out of the ordinary. And just like Jamie's husband, mine couldn't think of any reasons off the top of his head.

BUT, low and behold, a few days passed and he was able to recognize those reasons as I did them in our day to day "business".

I like to eat Pringles with a little dijon mustard on them.
I like to talk in accents and funny voices whenever I get the chance (hardly ever out in public... mostly only for my sweet husband to hear).
I don't like eating foods that don't require chewing.
When I eat foods that do require chewing, I chew maybe three times and then swallow the foodstuffs almost whole.
I know that "foodstuffs" is actually a word.
I don't like getting my hands wet.
I wear latex gloves when preparing food, any food... and also when cleaning, always.
I don't think that skunk spray smells bad.
I don't like yogurt, oatmeal, or apples but I eat them almost everyday (for the health of it!).
On average, I eat 1.5 tomatoes everyday... cause I love them that much.
It is likely that I will break out in dance at any given moment when music is playing.
I do a mean cheerleader impression... that I learned from my brother (wait... that makes him weird).

And last, but obviously not least, I am a little bit on the weird side cause I love this video... it makes me laugh out loud everytime! I must give credit to momma feral for this one.
disclaimer: video is a little inappropriate and will probably make you dumber

Now, I must say that I don't necessarily think that I am weird because of those things... but some of them (the skunk thing) make me a little different than other people. We all have things that make us unique, special, different and we should embrace those aspects of each other... love each other more for them. So the next time you look at someone and say, "you are sooo weird", remember that they made you smile and shake your head, and just love them more for it.


Jamie said...

What. The. F?

I got nothin' else to say. The Halloween costume possibilities for next year are endless.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I would just like to say...OMG!!! Second of all, everybody that I work with say that I am weird because I break out into dance whenever I hear music. We are so much alike. However, I do it in public...

Anonymous said...

And please don't judge me beacause I spelled wierd wrong in that post:)

Jamie said...

Actually, Colleen, you spelled it right the first time.

Jocelyn said...

Naw, you're not weird. Just you.

'Cept for wearing the latex gloves when preparing food.

I believe Subway has a place for you on the Sandwich Artist Line, dear.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I gotta try that with the Pringles! I have dijon on pretzels all the time. yum.

Sayre said...

Who was that? I hate to say it but it looked like Cary Elwys and Emma Thompson - a more unlikely duo I cannot come up with!

RYC: Thank you! I try...