Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's All Understood

The Jack Johnson concert was FAB!! We had a great time with Mat and Katy, and Jacks performance was unreal! He sounds better live than on his recordings. One little hang-up though: he didn't play my favorite song. Now, I know he has a gazillion songs and he can only play so many, but I was suitably disappointed that I didn't get to hear the BEST one. The name of the song is It's All Understood, and I put it on my playlist. Go ahead, have a listen. I think you'll find it very pleasing to the ears.

Back to the name of the song: It's All Understood. Well, it got me thinking and I think I now Understand why Jack didn't play it. I'm pretty sure he feels that it would only be appropriate to play it if it were just him and me, in a room, alone. I now understand. It's all understood. He felt that there were just too many selfish people there and they would've gotten the wrong idea about who the song was directed at.

Now, about the fetus in my belly. It just so happens that I felt it move for the first time on our way home from the concert. It was 2:16am and I was driving. I had drank a coffee an hour before, I had to pee, I was singing and doing Kegel exercises (trying to stay awake) when all of a sudden I felt this flutter...and immediately thought, "the baby". It couldn't have been anything else (except probably a dozen other things) and I was sure (questioning myself) that it was the baby! It could've been the loud music, the third-hand mary jane, the Kegels, the caffeine, or the fact that it knew I was dozing behind the wheel. Whatever it was, I'm happy to have felt it and hope to feel it again soon, but not too much...cause I bet it could get annoying, and I'm a complainer :)

Yep, totally felt the baby move. And I'm pretty sure it felt like it was moving from an Indian style sit to a full out stretch, but I can't be sure.

Losing sleep and gaining weight (brandi carlile), that's what I've been up to. And losing depth in my belly button. I think it pops out cause it gets in the baby's way and the baby inevitably has to push it somewhere...but again, I can't be too sure.

Here is a pic of a random pregnant woman in her 17th week that I found on the internet. It's not me, even if it kind of looks like me:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We are headed off this afternoon to a Jack Johnson concert, compliments of the "Nguyen party of two". This adventure will take us to the East side of Michigan, to a place I know all too well...formerly called Pine Knob. I still call it Pine Knob, although its' name changed years ago to DTE Energy Music Theater (can you see why I still call it Pine Knob?). It's not often enough that we hit a concert, and the fact that it's Jack Johnson will make it that much more enjoyable.

I started volunteering with the Dietitians at Holland Hospital a week ago :) My first project is updating and consolidating the hundreds of files they have on Nutrition, diseases, etc. Now, at first this seemed to me a "let's keep her outta our way" type of project. But after only two weeks, I can see that being planted at a file cabinet in the middle of four Dietitians desks while reading over and validating Nutrition information is going to be an invaluable experience. I hear all of their Dietetics chatter while they bounce ideas off each other and talk to each other about different clients. For me, the hours go so fast and I enjoy every minute. I'm looking forward to what lies ahead for me as we get to know each other and they begin to trust me with heavier tasks.

I begin a class at Western in a couple of weeks. It's called Biomedical Ethics and makes me want to yak. BUT, who knows...could be really interesting, I suppose.

Ben and I are also looking forward to a little getaway to a place called Charleston, SC. It will be sunny and HOT (or warm) and we will be far away from anything and anyone where we can focus on each other and the new land in front of us.

I have a new girl name....Sydney Faye.... what d'ya think? I think Ben likes Keegan Faye better, but what does he know anyways?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Belly Button

I saw a rather pregnant woman the other day and her belly button was an "outtie".

I don't want an "outtie".

But I checked and it looks like it's on its' way.



Thursday, June 12, 2008

Your Heart vs. Your Brain

Is your brain getting in the way of what your heart is pushing you to do??


Monday, June 9, 2008

The Helper in Me and You

It never hurts to be reminded of THIS...

Some things that I need help with:

Being patient with all walks of life..
Finding my way through fashion..
Embracing my changing body..
Understanding what it means to LIVE..
Sorting through the material God put in my head..
Eating a large pizza..
Painting the basketball pole in our driveway..
Discovering my inner beauty..
Waking up from a nap..
Realizing how powerful I really am..
Believing in the kind words directed at me..
Being a better friend..
Becoming a calm-assertive pack leader..

Some I don't need help with:

Taking a nap..
Embracing Mother Nature in all her beauty..
Preparing a fabulous meal..
Enjoying a movie and ice cream..
Having a run with our dogs..
Playing basketball in our driveway..
Giving a compliment and really mean it..
Waiting tables with confidence..
Having faith in God..
Trusting those I am close with..
Singing along with my fave songs..
Asking lots of questions during movies..