Thursday, November 27, 2008

Keplar Craft Koenig

Our baby boy was born Friday, November 21st at 5pm !!!!

I went in for an ultrasound and a NST the day before and the ultrasound showed that I had a very big baby in my belly and it was in the breech position.  So, Doc scheduled me for a C-section the very next day.  What an experience that was!  I'll type more about it another time.  Keplar was 10lbs. and 20 inches long :)

We've been home since Monday and BTK and I are being taken care of by his mom...which is WONDERFUL.  We have been able to focus on our little guy and enjoy the quiet of our home and the newness of our sweet little family.  It's been incredibly relaxing and peaceful and our Keplar is just perfect...and seriously gets cuter by the minute!  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hi all. It's me. Pregnant me. Still pregnant, btw. Officially "overdue".

Funny story...maybe:
Went to the Doc's office on Monday. When Doc first entered the room... where I sat with a sheet over my nether regions staring at the lube and the latex glove...he said, "Well now you've overdone it!". ("overdone it" cause I'm "overdue")

It was a joke. And I laughed.

But then I made a joke of my own and said, "Well doc, don't you think maybe you got the date wrong?".

It was a joke. And he didn't laugh. Rather, he went into fine detail in his charts with how he arrived at my particular due date and was also quick to remind me that I couldn't provide them with pertinent information they needed (first day of last period) to figure it all out. I gathered that he didn't pick up on my joke.

No more jokes...latex glove on.

I'm almost 2cm dilated, so I've made a little progress :) They'll keep a close eye on the wee one and as long as things are safe, they'll let me go till December 1st. I promise things will happen before sit tight! News will come soon after :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The DUE date.

It is here, folks. The date that our doctor gave us to be "due".

November 16th. It's the magic day. The day that weighs on your shoulders. The day that, once past, sends you into murkier waters.

The day that begins the countdown to the day that they MUST induce.

I have an appointment tomorrow and I'm sure we'll start discussing those details.

And so help me...if the baby hasn't moved down by then....

What? What happened to my "positive place", you ask?
It's here somewhere...kinda comes and goes.

I'll go look for it now :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Taking Care of Ourselves

We do not have to wait for others to come to our aid. We are not victims. We are not helpless.

Letting go of faulty thinking means we realize there are no knights on white horses, no magical grandmothers in the sky watching, waiting to rescue us.

Teachers may come our way, but they will not rescue. They will teach. People who care will come, but they will not rescue. They will care. Help will come, but help is not rescuing.

We are our own rescuers.

Our relationships will improve dramatically when we stop rescuing others and stop expecting them to rescue us. ~Excerpt from The Language of Letting Go


I remember when BTK and I first moved here, and I was job searching. Fresh out of college, armed with a Psychology degree, I filled out a few applications and I looked here and there in the classifieds. I "couldn't find anything", and "nothing was turning up". I was frustrated. I spent a lot of time on the computer, in our apartment, waiting for something to happen. I was frustrated and upset. I talked to my father and his words still ring in my head, "No one is going to knock on your door and offer you anything".

It was an obvious statement, but very powerful at the time.

No one is going to lead you by the hand. No one is going to come and rescue you.

It is true for all of us, in all areas of our lives.
If you want something, go for it.
If you need something, tell someone.
Stop making it a guessing game for the world. Instead, step out into the world and make it happen!
You have it in you!
Spread your wings and fly!


Monday, November 10, 2008

The Baby Is Coming...

The baby knows. It just knows.

It knows that the time is near. It is moving towards the exit. It knows that this part of the journey is coming to an end...that a new chapter is ahead. A new road to its freedom.

We won't be one anymore. We won't share what we are sharing now. I won't feel its every movement. It won't hear my every word...or feel my every emotion.

The baby will depart and arrive all at once. What a strange concept. But that is exactly what it will do. And we will meet it face to face for the first time, even though we've been living with it for almost 40 weeks now.

Pregnancy has been quite a journey. And soon, it will be only a memory for me.

The baby knows the time is near :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Have You Created?

Ever find yourself waiting for something...anticipating something? Maybe it's a job, or a promotion. Maybe a call from the doctor with test results. Perhaps it's a marriage proposal you are anticipating, or maybe, just maybe, you are awaiting GOING INTO LABOR.

Whatever kind of waiting place you are in...what does it feel like?? Are you growing impatient? Are you getting frustrated? Are you feeling like you just want it to be HERE...and you just want to KNOW...and you just want it to HAPPEN ALREADY!!?

Does your waiting place feel negative?

Is it discouraging? Are you frustrated? Tense?

What is this place that you are in? What have you CREATED for yourself?


Try this: Say something positive to yourself.

Do it.

Find something in this waiting place that is good.

There is plenty of good.

Find it and relish in it. Let it surround you. Feel it.

Create a positive place and wait there. You might as well.

It feels way better. I promise.