Monday, August 11, 2008

My mom visited last week and we had a great time, as always. We managed to have dinner with my brother and his wife Wednesday eve, along with BTK (who had to drive us home in the worst storm!). The next morning, we showed up to blueberry pick at the farm but couldn't because the blueberrys were still wet from rain. Instead, we headed downtown for coffee and hit up the sidewalk sales for the afternoon. It was a short, sweet visit.

BTK and I have managed to start a couple of registries for our little one. Hopefully we can wrap those up by the end of the week!
I have my final exam this Wednesday for my summer class!

Here is a picture of me this morning. And I swear I'm not sticking my belly out! It just does that :)



Sayre said...

Yeah... they DO do that! You are very nicely round now.

I am too, but not for the same reason! Still working on it, but my husband sabotauged me with tiramisu this past week. I'm over it now!

Anonymous said...


I Miss you.
