Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Ultrasound was quite spectacular! Turns out our baby looks exactly like everyone else's baby up on that screen ;) Seriously though, it has two arms and two legs and a brain and four heart chambers, so it looks as if it's gonna be as normal as can be...that is, until Ben and I get our hands on it! Which, incidentally, will be in about 18 weeks...taking us to November 16th, give or take two weeks. It will be a boy or a girl, and when I mentioned to Ben how normal it will be he considered the fact that it could very well have webbed feet. Cause, you know, you can't really tell on the ultrasound if that is the case or not. Something to look forward to, I suppose.

I'm feeling pretty good, considering all the changes my body continually makes. The baby weighs 1 lb. at this point, which is confusing to me cause I've gained about 14lbs. What gives? Despite my growing belly and my inability to zip/button my pants, I continue to leave most maternity clothes in the bags they were brought home in. And our home seems to get messier and messier, and I'm wondering when this "nesting" thing is going to kick in? Is that something that is just going to inherently happen, or is that a self-motivated task?

Anyhoodles, things are going well and Ben and I are happy as clams and we'll keep you posted as things progress!


Bethany said...

I'm glad everything looks good! Let's see another belly pic sometime soon!

Sayre said...

I'm so happy to hear this!!!! My friend at work is getting an ultrasound on Monday - but she wants to know the sex of the baby.

Yours looks like a baby? Mine looked like a duck.

Jamie said...

So happy for you two (three)!

Jocelyn said...

Woo-hoo! Prepare yourself for this: each time I birthed me a baby, I left the hospital weighing more than I had upon entry. Thanks to all the fluids that had been pumped into me each time, altough I ejected 7-10 pounds of baby, I not only kept that 7-10 pounds on but also gained about 5 more. Killer bummer, that.

Kate said...

Fantastic news. Novemeber is going to be such an awesome month! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you! (oh, HI! I am glad to see you again!) Take photos of that belly!

Sayre said...

Go ahead and add me to your blogroll if you wish... It would be an honor!

Jamie said...

LIke the new look!