Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer School Fun!

I graduated with a BA from WMU in '01, after 3.5 years of attending.

I've been attending WMU once again for the past two-ish years.

I just had 7 weeks off from school.

I'm back today and needed to buy a book for my class.

I couldn't find the bookstore and ended up having to ask for directions!


Isn't it funny how the constant snapping of gum can irritate and distract you more than a conversation between people who are actually sitting closer?


We are headed on Wednesday to the Docs office for the first ultrasound (20 weeks), where we will not be finding out the gender of the baby.


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Before you know it, you'll be saying, "no more classes and I'm a dietician"! Hooray! Even tough you won't find out the gender of the baby, I hope you find out the due date!! I'll be waiting to hear from you!!
Love, Mom

Bethany said...

Yeah for you, Rene'! Can't wait to hear how the ultrasound goes! :)