Monday, April 28, 2008


I promised an update.

I don't have many details except that I am 9 or 10 weeks along and everything is progressing as it should :) Doc says that my symptoms are all consistent with pregnancy :)

Upon entering and sitting down in our room, BTK and I exchanged grim looks. We were both feeling the dark cloud that hung over us the last time we were there. Feelings of devastation were being stirred up, and we both recognized these feelings.

The doctor finally came in with his student trailing behind. He always has a student with him, which is great cause then there are even more eyes on me and my naked parts. It's not uncomfortable at all ;) No, actually, I'm used to it and I think it's really great that he spends the time and effort with students. They tag-teamed me for the exam, so it took half the time! I was a little nervous when she did the PAP cause I heard the doc say something about "being gentle" which led me to believe she had never done this procedure before. But she did great work and I was awful proud of her for doing such a great job!!

I think both BTK and I felt better by the end of the exam. The doc is letting us come in a little early to hear the heartbeat... May 16th! We are both really looking forward to this. I think it'll be a huge relief for us. Although, the doc says that we are really never in the clear and anything can happen. Yes, thank you doctor for pointing that out. You didn't burst our bubble at all. Thank you.

I'm feeling and looking pregnant. Well, probably not "looking" pregnant yet, to the everyday observer... but definitely to BTK and I.
Speaking of BTK, he is in Illinois visiting his Dad's family, namely his grandfather. Grandpa Don is struggling and so some of the family has gathered to spend some time with him. I would be there too, except he has a highly infectious disease that I can't be around because of the new growth in my belly. But I am with him in spirit and am praying for his Grandpa and the family. And I'm asking for your prayers too. We all know what it feels like to deal with a loved one who is not doing well. It doesn't feel good. It's difficult. It hurts. We have all felt it. Help me send prayers to them so that maybe there is a place for that hurt to go.

On a brighter note, we were in Livonia for the weekend spending some time with my family. We celebrated my Mom's birthday by going through boxes of old photos and organizing them into designated years. It was fun to see how Asian my youngest sister looked when she was a baby, and to tease that perhaps she was, afterall, adopted :) The other thing that kept coming up were pictures of me, when I was little, with my shirt off. What? Yeah. Me with my shirt off. When I was little. We had a great time! I'm excited to see what my Mom does with the mess we made of the Ping-Pong table. There are hundreds of pictures in piles that she has to do something with. Good luck Mom!

My siblings and I were supposed to exchange Christmas gifts, but I forgot to bring ours. Seriously. Could I maybe have forgotten deodorant instead? Or my toothbrush? Come on! We will all be together again in a few weeks, so no biggie. But seriously. I'm ridiculous.


Pendullum said...

Nothing can prepare you for hearing the heartbeat of your baby for the first time...
Bring kleenex... as you are going to cry...

Jamie said...

Well, looks like you already have "mommy brain."
Sorry I missed you.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rene! I look forward to Christmas with the siblings SOON! It was great seeing you and laughing together last weekend. Please know that my prayers and with you and Ben and his family.
xoxo Big Sis

Anonymous said...

I meant to say "are". Not "and". Okay, bye now!

Jocelyn said...

And now here you are, lifting up your shirt for any resident who walks into the room.

Things don't change.

Continued good wishes...

Sayre said...

My doctor works with med students too - it's a little strange sometimes, but I'm cool with it!

I think I took my brain out and put it on a shelf for my first trimester. There has been some debate as to whether or not I ever put it back...

Baby's heart beat. One of the best sounds ever.