Monday, January 21, 2008

To Forge Ahead Is To... forge ahead.

it is snowing. but despite the cold white weather, i am in a positive, motivated, don't ph*ck with me kind of mood. i feel powerful and steadfast. i finished my assignments late and am a titch behind, but i have much on my list of "gonna get done" and am bound and determined to just work all day. i'm burning closing the biochem book for now and turning to more interesting matters of a 30 y.o. female with chronic pancreatitis secondary to chronic alchoholism. armed with my MNT text and the www, i should be able to make some progress and outline questions for tomorrow if i get stumped.

it is amazing how a night of almost uninterrupted sleep can put you back on the "forging ahead" train!

last night i was full of bad words and curses toward my never present, biochem prof.

today, the sun came up (i know this because we aren't all dead) and i am feeling a bit of hope... a small light at the end of the tunnel that beckons me to move past my troubled mind and forward toward my dreams.

the computer/twin bed room where i sit is surprisingly warm despite the mounds of snow sitting on the rooftop two feet away, just on the other side of the window. the dogs are quiet and calm, only because they can feel the calm-assertive energy of their packleader as she pecks away and flips pages, as if she knows exactly what it is she is doing.

last night i was troubled and tense, ready to give it all up for a life on the streets a career as a server.

today i am relaxed and determined, ready to tackle tasks that will get me closer to my fancied career as an R.D.

i will use caffeine to guide me, and to create synapses between my neurons that wouldn't otherwise fire.

i will accomplish today.


Jamie said...

Love that you are having a good day!

Gwen said...

I love the quote on your header. If only we could all learn to live as though we really believe it.

Far From Perfect said...

i still have night mares about biochem...damaged me for life.

Keeping It Real said...

Uninterrupted sleep? What's that, asked the mother of three children.