Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hump Day

Happy Hump day everyone!

Question: Are you supposed to be able to tell if yogurt has gone bad by the taste of it?

I just ate some yogurt and after eating ALL OF IT, I noticed on the foil lid that there is some possible mold. But the yogurt tasted fine... not good, just fine. You see, I'm not a big fan of yogurt and I only eat it for the health of it, but its' sour taste didn't seem any different today than it has in the past. So, I'm just wondering if I ate bad yogurt.

So, this past Saturday was a BAD day. I think it came straight outta hell and crept into my life and sat down to watch the show, starring me. It all started when I broke open the Biochem book and started reading Chapter 2. It is an online class and so I am left to teach myself the material... bad idea. Why, oh why, when I've struggled so much in the past with chemistry did I take such a difficult class online?! There is talk of a study group forming, so I guess there is hope yet. But this past Saturday was awful! I couldn't figure out how to do logarithms on my $12 calculator, the book did a poor job explaining H+ concentrations, and since it is a higher level class, the text assumes that you know certain things and so doesn't lend itself to being a reference book to look up basic concepts. Ugh. Four hours into it I wanted to take my mug of coffee and throw it through the window. I finally decided to go home and breathe a little before getting back into it again. But even after diving back in, I still got more and more frustrated and started thinking things like, "maybe school isn't for you, Rene'", and "perhaps your brain isn't equiped for this science stuff", and "you'll feel much better if you eat some gummy candy". YOU try studying over those voices in your head! It isn't easy.
BTK recognized my frustrations and said what he could to encourage me and calm me down and even asked if he could help me with anything (he's spent many hours with me in the past with dreaded chem), but in the end I just decided I'd better close up shop for the night and join him over at our friends place for dinner. But only after he brought me these loverly flowers :)

My dear sweet groom knows what I love. But I was still pissed off the rest of the night.

On Monday, I ran into my dear friend Abbey who brought me these, straight from Ireland:

They are so deliciously different than any other gummy candy! And, upon her rec, I put them in the freezer and they are most wonderful that way! We've only been getting to know each other a short time, but the girl already knows the way into my heart :) I'm a sucker for candy!

BTK is under the weather with a sore throat and congestion the past couple of days. Is it inevitable that I will catch it? I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible (separate towels, no kisses, keeping my distance), but it's kinda difficult when he's sneezing and coughing everywhere... it's just impossible to keep germs from floating in the air, you know?

I heard from my favorite cousin Cristina that my Unc has gifted me a large desk calendar and I must say that I am THRILLED and just can't wait to get my hands on it!!! Sounds crazy, I know, but I've always dreamed of having one of those to write all of my happenings, assignments, dates, etc on and I just think that it will do WONDERS for my organization and planning. Thank YOU, genrous joe!!

My mom is having a girls night party this weekend... I'll be sure to post pictures and such of the night soon after :)

Happy Hump Day!


Libby said...

Biochem is freaking hard. So is Orgo. I can't even imagine the challenges that come with teaching it to yourself- my hat is off to you, Rene, you are one determined cookie!

Speaking of cookies...and candy, yours is the second blog I've seen feature wine gums in the last month. I've got to figure out how to get my hands on some!

Stay healthy. :)

Jamie said...

Oh the temptation! I wonder if World Market would have some.
Les had some bad yogurt the other day...I think you'd know by now if it was bad because it hit her like a train. Then it hit baby Mason, because he had some too. Yuck.
I love the flowers BTK sent you. What a gentle gesture.
Have fun with girls night! Wish I could be there :)

Jocelyn said...

Wine gums RULE.

For your online class, is there a place where you can communicate your confusions and concerns to the instructor? (I teach largely online, and I have an "Ask Jocelyn" folder in the class; I would hate the idea that my students felt like they were teaching themselves the material!).

rak said...

you know, jocelyn, that is brilliant that you have that folder for your students...

we do not have that, but i am on my way to the "blackboard" to suggest it.
