Thursday, January 24, 2008

mini vaca

I've skipped school all week. It's like I'm on vacation. I've been spending my time in the library at Hope College and am there (here) right at this moment.

The reason I decided to post is that the guy on the computer next to me walked away from the desk for a brief moment and left a big ol' pile of GUMMY BEARS just sitting there. One of the bears just sat up and looked over at me and smiled. I don't know what that means, but I'm assuming that it means I should casually reach over and snag one for my own delicious enjoyment.

Oh wait, he just came back. My window of opportunity has just closed.

I must explain why I've skipped school all week. It has been snowing and snowing and snowing and more snow has still fallen... and it is cold, cold, cold!!! So the roads have been crap to drive on and my commute turned into a death trap, so I've stayed back. I like it better this way. I've sent my assignments in electronically and haven't wasted five and a half hours of time in the car.

I'd better get back to my big stack of flashcards! btw, I heart gummy bears!


The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

You should've gone for it, but I suppose the bag would've make too loud of a crinkly sound to get away with it in a library.

We've been getting dumped on in GR too, but probably not as much as you. You are wise to avoid the roads.

Keeping It Real said...

You're a woman after my own heart, in that you heart gummy bears, that is. I'd have grabbed a handful from that guy's stash, given the opportunity. I don't think you can go to jail for grand gummy bear theft, can you?

Anyhowz, thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again soon.

Jamie said...

You are too funny!