Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Resolutions

okay people... here they are... almost all of them... in no particular order.

take better care of BTK (always room for improvement, right?)
be a better listener (i.e. actually remember important aspects of conversations)
make lists (i tend to forget my thoughts)
focus (work while at work, study when i'm supposed to be studying, etc.)
exercise discipline with dogs (i am determined to lead our pack!)
half carbs whole grains
practice forgiveness
think positive thoughts
floss nightly
stretch daily
study in the wee hours of the morning
write grandma letters
rec'd intake of water
productive thinking
practice yoga
keep up with emails
date night once every two weeks
meal planning
keep cars clean
take care of cuticles (stop biting!)
make it to church once in a while
be more financially responsible
volunteer with dietitian
help donka with garden
plant flowers in front of fence
water front lawn
keep a more organized home
drink more wine
get daily fruits/vegs
follow through
complement others more
cultivate contentment
keep sinks shiny ( i love shiny sinks!)
productive car rides (five hours a week in the car... valuable time)
be on time
be more considerate
feed my soul
procrastinate less

These are just a few of what i'll be striving for this new year. And yes, i know it's already January tenth. No, I don't believe it is too late to begin.

Love you too!

Wish me luck!