Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Resolutions, indeed.

So many ideas, so little time...

I bet there is no one out there who is still creating their "resolutions" lists...

I realized today that the list creating should be done and I should've already put my New Year's "Considerations" into play. Instead, I still have all these ideas galavanting around in my head thinking they have already reached their cozy destination in my gray matter. To this I say, "Listen up all you pretty ideas! It's time to put on your Sunday best and head out into the world to make something of yourselves!" And after saying this, I can picture all those pretty ideas looking startled and saying, "moi?, you want me to go out there, in that crazy world and actually do what I was thought up to do?" And I would reply with, "YES... gone are the days where i would only toy with great ideas... today is the day i will line you all up and give you a number, possibly ranking you in order of importance, and i will require that you begin!" (starting tomorrow)

I am such a procrastinator.

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr.

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