Friday, November 2, 2007

Keepin' It In The Family

One post everyday this month. I will try to keep it interesting and when I've nothing better to say, I'll introduce you to a "favorite" of mine.

Today is about the family who helped shape me. Mom, Dad, Jeff, Meg, and Col...

My Mom is the heart and soul of our family. She makes me feel like she has put every ounce of her energy and love into me, but I know that is not true b/c she must've saved some for my siblings and my father. She worries about me, checks in on me, and would fix every problem I've ever come across IN MY ENTIRE LIFE if she had the power to do so. She is the funniest woman I've ever met... ever. She is the reason for laughter when we are together. Anytime I've ever called her crying, she always wants to drive the 2.5 hours it would take to get to me just to give me a hug. She is beautiful and radiant and I love her with all my heart. And I am her favorite child.

My father stands the test of time. He has moved our family forward and is my teacher. He is sturdy, yet compassionate. I get my patience from this man and look to him for answers, cause he has them all. He listens and thinks things through before responding. Where there is a will, there is a way... he can make anything happen. I admire his work ethic and his sense of responsibility. He is logical and practical. He loves all of his children, but loves my mother even more and caters to her time and time again. He is a man of good fortune. And I do believe that I am his favorite.

My brother Jeff is my calm. He makes everything easier when they are at their worst. His voice is enough to put me at ease. He has been a best friend to me since we were young and shared bunk beds. He loves life and tries to squeeze every last ounce of pleasure from it. He is honest, trustworthy, and careful.

Meagan is a pursuer. She is determined, motivated, and smart. She knows how to work hard and play hard. She is fun! Never a dull moment when she is in the room. Her change of expression or voice puts me to tears every time:) She is beauty defined. She is not afraid to go for what she wants and is always successful at achieving it.

Colleen is selfless. She puts everyone first. She is kind, patient, and understanding. She has quick wit and a fabulous sense of humor! Though she may seem fragile, she is strong and willful. She can brighten any ones day with her smile, charm, and positivity.

I love my family dearly and would do anything for any of them (probably). I considered including a blurp about my hubby on this, but I do believe he deserves his very own post.

Until tomorrow....


Jamie said...

Oh, how I LOVE them too! They have always made me feel like part of the family! And OH, how Jason and I laugh, laugh, LAUGH when we are around them!!

Jocelyn said...

I'm SURE you are your mom's favorite child.

Good thing your siblings are such fine, noble people; they don't mind that they are held in less esteem by their ma.

Anonymous said...

I love your insight on your family. Even though I don't agree with everything you said about me, I do appreciate it. A mom longs for the day to hear her child praise her siblings and show her love for them. The reason for all that is good in this family is due to the backbone of the family--YOUR DAD!! We are who we are because of him. I love him and all of you and I'll get back to you about "my Favorite"! Love, Mom