Saturday, November 3, 2007

All In A Day's Listens

I studied in my favorite spot today: in the window at the local caffienated watering hole named JP's. It is my fave spot b/c I can people watch and they can, in return, watch me (it's only fair). It is a tall counter at the window with three chairs at it and as long as I am there, no one sits next to me (cause I spread all of my belongings on the chairs and counter, leaving no room for another warm body). Today though, someone imposed on my area. Apparently the coffee shop filled and there weren't any other seats. It was a mom and daughter who said they wouldn't be there long. Being the kind, friendly being that I am, I said, "no worries" and moved all my shit out of their way.

I was listening to my ipod, but they spoke loud enough that I could hear them over my music. The exchange that took place in the short time they were next to me made me smile. Keep in mind the daughter was staring out the window the entire time and used a monotone, disinterested voice and the mother seemed all hopped up on somethin'. It went something like this:

Mom: "Okay, here's the deal. The classes around here just aren't good enough, so I'm going to call around to find a foreign exchange student at Hope to maybe sit with you once a week so you can actually practice the language in conversation. What do you think?"

10 year old daughter: "yeah. okay."

Mom: "So, how 'bout French? You could really excel and the thing is, once you learn one language it'll be easier to pick up another one. But you can do any language you want... German, French, how 'bout Italian?"

10 year old daughter: "no. how 'bout Spanish? i could probably use it more than those other ones."

Mom: "oooh, yeah... good. And then you could come here to JP's every week and I'll drop you off and give you money to get a drink and you could practice? How does that sound?"

10 year old daughter: "yeah, fine."

Mom: "Okay! Great!"

And then they sat in silence until the little girl finished her bagel and then they were gone.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I was ten, my mom and I NEVER went to a coffee shop together to sort out which language I'd start learning...
No. Instead we were outside in the backyard with my bro and sisters and my father and we were all playing basketball and I was probably laughing so hard I'd nearly wet my pants! That is what I was doing at the age of ten... Nearly wetting my pants. And it was FABulous:)


Anonymous said... heart sinks for her.
The sad thing is, mom is probably not even aware of what she is doing.

rak said...

Jame- i know... seriously.

Anonymous said...

Wow..that is pretty sad! Heck Mom didn't force another language on me in high school when I was taking the class. I just needed to pass for the advanced diploma! haha.

That poor child will go wild when she is old enough to decide, since she obviously won't experience lots of fun things as a child. Oh and she will hate foreign language when she is older too, b/c her Mom chose that for her instead of fun.