Friday, November 23, 2007

Graduation... what???

A happy Thanksgiving to all. I am thankful for a family who provides me with unconditional, everlasting love, and laughter to go along with it... as an added bonus :)

BTK was not able to join us for the festivities, and he was missed. I especially missed him cause he is my better half and a day with my family is just not complete without him there. I must confess to all of you, in a very sappy manner, that I love him dearly... and although I know that he gets "a little" overwhelmed in a room full of forty "or so" relatives, I'd still rather have him by my side while surrounded by noisy Italians, endless food, and a gallons of red than not there at all.

I am thankful that I have a husband that supports my decision to spend the holiday with my family even though he hung back to rest. I swear, I'm not a bad person... he really was okay with it.

Now, all of that has passed and we are on to the next issue.


I must put on a happy face and confident, positive demeanor and pretend that I wouldn't rather be anywhere else... for a few hours anyway.

I have mixed feelings about going. I do keep in touch with a handful of friends from high school and I am really looking forward to seeing them. BUT, it just so happens that I have a touch of anxiety about seeing those that have been absent from my life since the day we wore caps and gowns.

What do I say to these people??

And what will they say to me??

I have to work the door, which means that I may have to hand out name tags... maybe... which means that I am under pressure to recognize everyone that comes in! Ugh!

And what do I say to them?!

I get anxiety just running into someone in the grocery store... who I see weekly...
How am I going to "get over myself" enough to formulate intelligent sentences/conversation starters (that don't include "what do you do for a living?") with these people who I haven't seen in ten years?

Any suggestions??


Jamie said...

I know it is a little late cause you are already there...

But, what about "What have you been up to the past 10 years?" or "Where are you living now?"

K. Those suck.
My 10 year reunion is tonight too, 835 miles away and I really forgot about it until I read your post. I'm at home with a sick, sick baby while my family is in state, only 25 miles away. I can't say that I'd rather be anywhere else other than right here.

Anonymous said...

Don't you remember my suggestions?

"What kind of deoderant do you wear these days"

"Do you have any dogs?"

"Do you remember my escort? I still have it and it's running great."

"Who let the dogs out?"

Libby said...

Oh man, have a good time at the reunion. I can't wait to read your post-reunion recap!

Sayre said...

So... how did it go? I hope you had a great time. I went to my
10th and my 20th, with a 30th looming in 2 years. OMG. Has it really been that long?

The thing that interests me is how people have changed since high school. The 10th was full of showing off - the new car, the new kids, the new wife... the 20th was a little more real but you could see some of the same teenagers in these 30-somethings. I'm curious about the 30th and how much people have changed by now. I was shocked at our 20th by how many people had died. I'm sure the 30th will have an even bigger list.

Even if you had a rotten time, you won't regret going.

Anonymous said...

Let us know how it went! I have a little over 2 years to prepare for my 10 year. I'm always reminded of the movie "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" and I laugh. That movie was hilarious and it home with many people I am sure.

I only talk to a handful of people as well but living in a small town, I think most everyone already knows what is going on with others. It is crazy how people still talk, like high school.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I have never been to a school reunion! Ever! And probably never will. How did it go?