Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Clean Slate

Ever want that? A clean slate?

Nothing like starting fresh.

How many times have you crumbled the paper and thrown it into the trash, cause you knew you could grab a crisp, uninked page to start over with?

Or while practicing a presentation, or one act play, or dance routine to the famed song Aquarius in front of your hubby or bff or crowd of stuffed animals... you miss a factoid, or a line, or a step and you say, "wait, wait... let me start over... from the beginning..."

That is what I want... with our home... cause it is an unorganized, chaotic, dog hair littered MESS!!!

I want a big crane-like apparatus to come and lift our home from where it sleeps and I want it taken to a special place where it can be set down and then a giant vacuum will be put through one of the windows and it will suck any debris, grime, dirt, dog hair and filth from every surface and corner. Then, a gentle magic wind will be blown through in order to carefully shift everything back into place. And finally, the Queen of "everything clean" in this world will do a walk through and with her wand (cause she will have a wand) she will tap everything shiny and sparkling clean...
AND THEN... the crane will place our home back where it belongs and it will be just as we started (except way better) and I will promise with all my heart to keep up with the housework and never let it get outta hand again. Ever!

It's so outta hand! Ahhhh!!!

Time is ticking away...


Anonymous said...

You're still not going to tell me what NaBloPoMo is, are you.
Well, that's okay. I'll figure it out. I'm guessing it's Italian...

Sayre said...

After the cleaning fairy is done with your house, can she come get mine????

(She doesn't paint, too, does she?)

Libby said...

If you ever find that special place with the giant vacuum and the gentle magic wind, would you please consider posting directions on how to get there? My house really needs to be the next to go there.

I've been reading through your blog, I really enjoy it. We follow Cesar's rules in our house too. They do eventually take, and the dogs appreciate the balance.

Happy Thanksgiving, hope you enjoy the few extra days off from school!

Jocelyn said...

But if the crane moves your house, what will it do with the dogs when it comes to your new, pristine place?

I can't believe the dog hair when our friends bring over their lab for even two hours. Months later, I'm still finding the sheddings.


Anonymous said...

If only.....I would love for this to happen at my house. If only...