Friday, November 9, 2007

Ahhh! I missed a day!

Sorry folks. I didn't post yesterday. If it makes you feel better, I'll post today what I would've posted yesterday. What? That doesn't make you feel better? Tough shit.

I was our classroom superhero yesterday:)

I'll begin by saying that I can be a bit sarcastic from time to time. I try to keep it at bay, but every once in a while it rears its ugly head.

Some background: We have had one exam to date in my MNT class. MNT stands for Medical Nutrition Therapy. Did you catch the "Medical" part there? Yep, that means it is a difficult class... think "medical school". So, in this class we are each allowed a little reference book (mini notebook) in which to put various lab values and formulas, and we can use these little books on our exam. Before our first exam the instructor told us that the questions on our exam will come directly from the questions on the study guides she gave us, the format being short answer.

A couple of girls decided to cheat on the first exam. They wrote the answers to the study guide questions in their reference books. Then they decided to tell people about it:) That makes me smile because it makes them idiots. Idiots for cheating and idiots for telling everyone:)

The first exam didn't go well for most of us, but the instructor announced that she couldn't set a curve cause a couple people did really well, so the material was obviously learnable. Well, that really pissed people off and everyone thought someone should turn these two cheaters in so that they don't get away with what they've done...

No one turned them in cause we have no proof of what they'd done, but the instructor did get word that something was amiss. Still, there has still been quite a bit of chatter about these two "cheaters" and what they got away with.

Have I mentioned that our grade in this class has everything to do with our success as a Dietitian? It does.

SO. We have another exam on Tuesday and yesterday, as class was coming to a close, our instructor asked us if we had any questions about the upcoming exam and the material on it. Everyone was silent, and then I raised my hand. And then I stood up (who stands up anymore for questions??!).

I stood there and asked (in a slow sarcastic tone), "I'm wondering if it would be alright if we wrote all the answers to the study guide questions in our reference books?" And she looked at me quizzically and there was silence from the class and she said, "No, no, no Rene'... that is not alright". And I said, "OH! okay... I'm just not sure everyone in here is clear on that." And I heard some chuckles from my classmates and so I went on, "So, would that be considered cheating if someone did that?" And she nodded her head and said, "I see you're making a point Rene'. Class, I will walk around during the exam and check your reference books if I have to."

And that was that. And a couple of girls that I've never even spoken to before approached me and told me they loved me for it. And my friends thought it was "awesome". And so I was a hero for a day. And I felt really good about it.


Anonymous said...

I have never known you to be sarcastic! What a big surprise : ) Good job, hero. Wish I could'be been there to observe. xoxo Amy

Jamie said...

I said it before, and I'll say it again...YOU ROCK! I love that story.

Anonymous said...

I am still overly impressed that no one turned the girls in...I would've sold my own mother up the river if she would've done that. But that's why I'm kind of a b*tch and had to move to the east coast where everybody (even my drycleaner) is kind of a b*tch. You, Rene', on the other hand are a lovely person. Lovely and clever. So clever. My roommate just woke up...time to go downstairs for coffee (Friday routine...when I work from home).
Love, Jess

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I used to cover my grades with my hand because I was always the hated curve-breaker.

Cheaters suck.

Sarcasm rules.

Anonymous said...

Haha you did great!