Monday, June 9, 2008

The Helper in Me and You

It never hurts to be reminded of THIS...

Some things that I need help with:

Being patient with all walks of life..
Finding my way through fashion..
Embracing my changing body..
Understanding what it means to LIVE..
Sorting through the material God put in my head..
Eating a large pizza..
Painting the basketball pole in our driveway..
Discovering my inner beauty..
Waking up from a nap..
Realizing how powerful I really am..
Believing in the kind words directed at me..
Being a better friend..
Becoming a calm-assertive pack leader..

Some I don't need help with:

Taking a nap..
Embracing Mother Nature in all her beauty..
Preparing a fabulous meal..
Enjoying a movie and ice cream..
Having a run with our dogs..
Playing basketball in our driveway..
Giving a compliment and really mean it..
Waiting tables with confidence..
Having faith in God..
Trusting those I am close with..
Singing along with my fave songs..
Asking lots of questions during movies..


Anonymous said...

You are adorable.

Sayre said...

That's lovely. I need to learn how to ask for help, too.

Jamie said...

I love your music is like you just sent me another CD in the mail. Love you and miss you dearly.