Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm listening to the acoustics of the crickets and the cicadas...definitely the sounds that help deliver the feelings of a humid summer. Except it's not really that humid. But it sounds humid.

And inside, the hum of my computer and the dim lamp in the corner are feeding my growing belly of thoughts.

And then there is that wierd noise the fridge is making from time to time. It's kind of startling, with the rest of the house asleep.

It's past midnight and I'm just home from work about an hour ago. I don't want to go to bed because Kep is in there with Ben and I just want him to sleep. He'll surely wake up if I turn in next to him. So, my sleep is sacrificed. No big deal. Par for the course these days :)

Plus, I really enjoy these nights after work. It is quiet. I am mostly alone. I can sit and catch up on my blogs, uninterrupted. I can read, mindlessly. I can get inspired, motivated, reassured. I can start my own blog entries and not post them :)

And then, when I am good and ready to turn in, I can choose an empty a room not my own...and pray a prayer that I get a stretch of sleep that lasts more than 3 hours.

Cause that, too, is a new mothers dream :)


Sayre said...

I love the quiet time of night when the rest of the house is asleep! Take your sleep where and when you can.

Sayre said...

Hey, Rene! A health website ( has asked me to become a featured blogger with my "fitness" blog! I am somewhat baffled by their invitation, but I accepted after asking a few questions. They said they like the way I write and that I am supportive of my readers (all 4 of them, hahahaha!!!!).

It's kind of a head rush though!

Unknown said...

happy new year meme