Thursday, July 23, 2009

So many times I've come here to write and so many times I've left without writing.  I am here again.  I shall write.

I'm in a bit of a fog.  A stop and go, if you will.  I've heard the reference a couple of times recently of "being stuck in your own head".  I do believe I am.  It's not all bad.  I'm stuck in here, mostly, but I'm learning to navigate...learning to open the window once in a while and peer out at the world.  Learning that there is indeed a world to peer out and look at.  And it's not all bad either.

Keplar is doing well.  So strong...and brave...and still so stinkin' cute.  He saves my life nearly every day with his multitude of smiles.  I can't get enough.  Really.  I can't.  He gives me a thousand things to be thankful for, a million times over.  Really.  He does.

He goes SMACK, SMACK with those palms on the wood floor as he moves about on all fours.  Then he lets out an excited shriek from deep within his chambers and pushes himself back and sits.  He looks around and finds me and then he's off again with the SMACK, SMACK.  

His hair is just perfect and his skin is the softest gift and his eyes pull me toward him.  I can't help but grab him and squeeze him and love him over and over again, all day long. 

Yes, my days are still filled with only Keplar.  He is still my dictator.  I am still in awe of his very existence.  :) 


Anonymous said...

Love YOU and love Keplar so much!! Have a lovely weekend, Rene. Hope to see you next week. xoxo Amy

tiff g said...

welcome back... i have been anxiously awaited your return. :)
i think you are just wonderful, you know... & that keplar is too cute for words.

Sayre said...

Aren't baby squeals the greatest? That noise coming out of anything else would be so irritating, but issued from baby lips it is so charming!

I remember the soft, sweet baby skin my son had. He's 10 now and developing boy pong. There are mosquito bites and scrapes from games and moles from being in the sun. Spend as much time memorizing the feel of your baby - he will grow up and into boy skin way too fast.