Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Little Man

He is 7 weeks old, this past Friday.  Around Christmas time he began making TRUE eye contact and smiling!!  As a mom who has literally been staring at her baby for 7 weeks, I absolutely LIVE for those moments that he stares back and smiles.  He also "coo's".  It's all so FABulous, and makes my days complete.  I love him so dearly...I'm just sayin'.

So, without further ado...I give you Keplar (again)...


Sayre said...

Store these days away in your heart and your memory. They're gone so fast. I wish I had realized that myself when my boy was a very tiny baby.

My friend Diane brought her 4 week old baby to visit a couple of days ago... Abby LOVES my husband. She smiles and coos whenever he hold her. When I hold her, she passes gas.

Oh well. Someone's gotta do it.

Jocelyn said...

Is it possible

that you might

kind of

like him?