Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dog Fights, Guitars, and Fruit Flies

They are handsome, aren't they?

Well, they aren't so handsome when they are assaulting each other viciously and it ends with one of them bleeding from an eye or a leg or tongue or something. They had three fights in five days last week. And one was in the back seat of the car, which is way too close for comfort. Their fights are very loud with growling and their is a lot of bared teeth and it always ends with Indy's neck in Charlies' mouth and one of 'em bleeding.

BTK and I are failing them when it comes to being pack leaders. We are just not doing it right. And they aren't able to lead a balanced life because of it. I've consulted Cesar on this matter and he says we need to be better pack leaders. Cesar is the Dog Whisperer on National Geographic channel and he is my role model when it comes to taking care of dogs. The dogs are apparently fighting over who is in charge and that is only because they don't know that BTK and I are in charge. We are supposed to have calm-assertive energy and they should then have calm-submissive energy. A calm-assertive state of mind is not easy for someone like me (high anxiety) to achieve. I can get there though, if I really try. Cesar's formula for success as a pack leader is: exercise, discipline, and affection... in that order. I've been taking Charlie for a run every morning before feeding and Indy for a short walk. They need to release their energy and be brought into a calm-submissive state by me, thier pack leader. That means that during the run/walk, they need to be following me, not the other way around. How many times have you seen a dog pulling a person along behind them with the leash taught? Apparently that is the wrong way! We are working on this with our dogs, but it is not easy. It is going to take a lot of patience from BTK and I to make it work.

Their was another fight last night over food and after a discussion with BTK, I decided to go out and purchase the entire second season of Dog Whisperer on DVD. Seriously, this guy is a genius when it comes to dog psychology. He can take 40 dogs on a walk at the same time, with most of them off a leash!! I will learn from you, Cesar Milan... dog whisperer genius=) I'll keep you posted!

So, BTK is giving me guitar lessons and it is just great! I do love when he plays for me and I love music and I'd love to just be able to play some of my fave's on the guitar all for myself. I've had two lessons so far and haven't practiced much, but I'm excited at the very thought of getting good at it! I'm currently learning Fugitive by the Indigo Girls. It wasn't my first pick, but BTK says it's really simple to learn. I really like that song, so that is okay. The hardest part is that my fingers start to hurt after only like five minutes. I'm learning on an electric guitar, kinda like that song from Counting Crow's says to do: "just get an electric guitar and take some time, learn how to play".

Don't we all hope that fruit fly season is coming to an end??? I really hate those damned buggers! I swear I was clapping at them (to the death!) for a month straight! Our problem started when we let 24 lime slices rot in the bottom of each of 24 Corona bottles in our basement. It then became a problem in the kitchen as well. Now, I'm not one to let the kitchen go to hell, but it happened when I was on bed rest and it only took two days and they were everywhere... swarms of them, I say! Okay, so their weren't swarms, but there were a lot of 'em. So BTK took the Corona's to the bottle return at the local grocer and smiled and said, "now they have a fruit fly problem"! And we took care of cleaning the kitchen, but they seemed to linger near the produce on the counter, and in the bathroom too. I was killing them for what seemed like an eternity! I think they are gone now, as I haven't seen one in at least a week. For those of you who still have them lingering, I looked up "fruit fly" on the www and found some useful information:

1)When searching for fruit fly breeding sources, remember that the larva can only survive in decaying organic matter that is moist. gross!

2)Do not overlook drains where small flies are often found breeding in the super thin layer or film of debris that naturally accumulates in pipes, traps and drains. we should all be dumping chemicals down our drains regularly to keep that "film" from forming...

3)Fruit flies easily follow air currents and usually have several breeding places in any structure. several breeding places?? eeew!

4)Do not assume that all of your breeding sources are indoors; fruit flies will wander in from nearby dumpsters, outdoor garbage cans or even damp compost piles where fruits and vegetables are disposed. these things are impossible to eliminate!

And I also read that fruit fly's can be found year round, folks... so I guess they aren't going "out of season" like I'd thought... SO, watch out cause they could be coming to a gargabe can near you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.